Smythson is fully aware of its responsibility towards its employees, supply chain partners and customers, and recognises the critically important role that people play in the success of the business.
Smythson is committed to achieving the very highest quality standards whilst driving more sustainable outcomes and minimising the environmental impact of our operations. We recognise that by integrating sound environmental practices into all aspects of our business, we can offer exceptional, luxury products whilst striving to conserve and regenerate our world for generations to come.
Positive Actions
Smythson has been awarded the Butterfly Mark by Positive Luxury for a company-wide commitment to sustainability
The majority of our packaging is completely recyclable.
When designing a product, we consider its social and environmental impact.
Smythson promotes equal pay.

All Smythson leather goods are manufactured in artisan factories in the UK, Italy, and Europe.
The leathers used to craft our products are carefully and responsibly sourced from European tanneries, principally in Italy, and are tested by independent accredited laboratories before production begins to ensure that they conform to strict EU and international standards.
We are conscious that the traceability of raw materials is an increasingly important issue. We are working to improve visibility, while promoting accountability for environmental impacts and animal welfare, throughout our supply chain. All the tanneries we work with are Leather Working Group certified or have been audited and are awaiting certification. The Leather Working Group (LWG) is a not-for-profit community organization dedicated to driving excellence in sustainable leather production.
All exotic skins previously used in our products are CITES certified (Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). The convention aims to protect endangered plants and animals by regulating and monitoring their international trade to prevent it reaching unsustainable levels. However, we have not manufactured any new products using exotic skins since 2018 and in January 2021 we removed all pre-existing products using exotic skins from sale on smythson.com.
Having first been awarded the Butterfly Mark in 2020, we are proud to have been re-certified in 2023 by Positive Luxury, a global organisation that recognises luxury brands for their positive impact on people and the planet. Woven into our ethos is an importance to continually challenge and improve our sustainable practices, while preserving our traditional craftsmanship heritage. For more information on our social and environmental impact, visit Positive Luxury’s website.

Our Supply Chain
Smythson advocates environmentally responsible behaviour and ethical conduct from all our suppliers. A significant proportion of our supply chain is vertically integrated, allowing us to closely monitor and have greater control over all our operations.
We demand compliance at a minimum with all local legislation, regulation and labour laws and require a commitment to constant improvement regarding sustainability and environmental awareness. All Smythson leather products are manufactured in Europe in our own factories or through designated third-party suppliers. Our stationery, books and diaries are all manufactured in the United Kingdom.
All core product and packaging suppliers comply with REACH (a European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals). All core product and packaging suppliers have confirmed compliance with our
Code of Ethics, which is based on recognised standards such as International Labour Organisation Standards (ILO), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI).
Stationery & Books
Smythson only sources paper for its stationery, books and diaries from mills based in England and Italy. The printing of these products is carried out in-house at our own workshops based in Wiltshire and Hertfordshire.
The paper used for our stationery, books and diaries is sourced from FSC certified sources. All the printing press inks used for our diary and notebook production are vegetable based and any chemicals used in their manufacture are managed in accordance with REACH requirements. Waste chemicals are safely disposed of via J&G Environmental Limited & Hills Waste Solutions Ltd. All our wastepaper, printed waste and consumables are collected and recycled by c/o C S Recycling Ltd, Lindström Group & Hills Waste Solutions Ltd.

Our People
Smythson is committed to:
- Supporting the health and well-being of our people
- Ensuring a safe and positive working environment
- Attracting and retaining the best talent in the industry
- Recognising and appreciating high performance
- Encouraging a collaborative spirit both internally and with our external partners
- Cultivating a strong engagement with the brand and its heritage
Smythson is an equal opportunity employer and ensures that all employees within the Company have fair opportunity for advancement based on their ability, qualifications and suitability for the work, without discrimination. All Smythson employees are employed under ILO Labour Standards and copies of company policies are readily available to employees at all times.
Our Commitments
Smythson Culture
We are committed to developing and nurturing a positive brand culture that resonates throughout our global team of stores, head office and supply chain partners. We understand and welcome diversity and seek to embed it into our organisation by valuing people’s differences, ensuring fair treatment for all by the consistent application of rules and policies, and ensuring equality of opportunity for all.
In acknowledgement of the importance of mental health and wellbeing, and the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought, we have taken steps to raise awareness of mental health issues by appointing trained Mental Health Champions throughout our business.
Governance and Promotes Equal Pay
Smythson has a significant social and environmental purpose driven by commitments aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. While also operating within its own company policies to ensure they run effectively with integrity, Smythson’s policies include Code of Conduct, Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Sustainable Travel. Similar expectations extend to its suppliers meaning Smythson’s supply chain is continuously monitored, including compliance with ethical working practices.
Smythson believes in equal opportunities and values the importance of a diverse workplace with fair pay for all. Currently over 50% of its senior management team, including board members, are women.
Responsible Sourcing
Smythson is committed to producing high quality goods and conducting its business in a responsible and sustainable manner, with respect for people, the environment, and animals. For more information, please refer to our Animal Welfare & Sustainable Sourcing policy.
Environmental Sustainability
Smythson is committed to minimising the environmental impact of its operations. We recognise that by integrating sound environmental practices into all aspects of our business, we can offer beautiful, quality products whilst conserving and enhancing resources for future generations. At a minimum, Smythson upholds its obligation to comply with all legislation, regulations, and local laws regarding the protection of the environment. However, our ambitions are to go further, striving for continuous improvement in this area by seeking practical and economically feasible opportunities to reduce the environmental impact of products, processes, and facilities.
To support our ambitions, we have been measuring our carbon emissions using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol since 2019 and have successfully reduced our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 27% (2019 vs 2021). We have also been measuring our Scope 3 emissions as these represent the largest proportion of our overall emissions. We began assessing our Scope 3 emissions in 2019 and have taken steps in more recent years to strengthen the methodology by carrying out Life Cycle Assessments on our key materials and products. In year 2023 we will be able to carry out a robust comparison of our Scope 3 emissions.
Whilst we have reduced emissions across our own operations (Scopes 1 and 2), we recognise more needs to be done to reduce them further. To do this we will reduce our energy usage from all owned and controlled buildings as well as increase our renewable electricity contracts. We also aim to reduce our Scope 3 emissions by collaborating with all stakeholders, including our small selection of vendors and suppliers within our supply chain. We will set targets in year 2023 to guide our reduction ambitions.
Charity Work and Community Projects
At Smythson we are committed to finding ways in which we can give back to our communities, both local and beyond.
We are proud to be partnering with the National Literacy Trust, an independent charity working with schools and communities to give disadvantaged children the literacy skills to succeed in life. This year we have committed to donating 5% of the sales from a range of our Christmas cards to the NLT to demonstrate our mutual mission to support the importance of writing and literacy.
In addition, the National Literacy Trust inspired and informed the production of our very first children’s diary, My First Smythson. Through a research piece carried out by National Literacy Trust in early 2022, surveying 70,000 children, studies found that children who keep a daily journal felt happier and more creative. Aimed at 8–11-year-olds, our diary seeks to inspire a new generation of story-makers, encouraging positive and motivational associations with writing from a young age.
Smythson is also working alongside the Royal Warrant Holders Association Charity Fund to make a large, combined donation which will enable the National Literacy Trust to recruit 10 Literacy Champion Volunteers in the Swindon area to increase access to literacy skills.
We have more exciting plans in the pipeline to support the NLT and other community-based projects which we look forward to sharing more about in due course.
Modern Slavery Statement
This statement sets out the steps we have taken at Smythson to ensure no form of slavery or human trafficking is taking place within our supply chain any other part of our business.