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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

www.smythson.com is owned by and operated by Frank Smythson Ltd ("Smythson", "we", "us , "our").

Frank Smythson Ltd
Registered in England and Wales
Registration no. 3594597
Registered Office: 257a Pavilion Road, Chelsea, London, SW1X 0BP
VAT number: GB719267022

We value your privacy, so we've laid out our privacy policy below to enable you to understand how Smythson will collect and use your personal information. It clarifies our
A. Privacy Policy
B. Cookies & Pixels Policy
C. 'Share' tools

A. Privacy Policy

  1. 1.How will my personal information be collected?

    We may collect your personal information when you:

    • Register or use smythson.com (the "website")
    • Register at a till point in a Smythson store
    • Register or use Smythson's in-store WiFi, in any ot our stores
    • Contact Smythson by telephone or email
    • Enter any prize draws or competitions run by Smythson
    • Complete any forms for transactions, employment or other purposes
    • Sign up for an email newsletter

  2. 2.What personal information may be collected?

    • In addition to personal details such as your name, date of birth, address,email and telephone number, we may also collect:

    • Details of transactions or orders you make at Smythson, whether in-store or via our website
    • Details of your shopping preferences, such as your favourite products and which of our stores and stockists you prefer to shop with
    • Details of your visits to our website, in-store WIFI and the resources that you access
    • Details of when you contact Smythson by email, post, social media or telephone (please note that we may keep a record of this correspondence)
    • Any other information from which we can identity you, or which is available on public registers
    • Email open and click behaviour

    With your permission, we retain your personal information, preferences and details of your transactions to keep you informed by email, post, phone and/or through other digital means (including social media) about products and services (including special offers, discounts, promotions, events, competitions and so on) offered by Smythson.

    We may also use your information to:

    • Maintain and update your account details if you set up an account via our website or one of our in-store services (e.g.a change to your address, order information or marketing preferences)
    • Improve and tailor the content and appearance of the website to ensure that the most relevant content is presented to you
    • Administer any prize draws or competitions run by Smythson. Please refer to the specific terms and conditions tor each prize draw or competition
    • Carry out assessment and analysis (for example market, customer and product analysis) to enable us to review, develop and improve the products and services we offer

  3. 3.Where and how will my information be shared?

    We do not sell any of your personal data to third parties. However, whilst providing our services to you, we share your data with the following categories of companies:

    • Companies involved with the payment and logistics of your purchase, such as payment service providers (e.g. Paypal, our warehouses, order packers, and delivery companies
    • Professional service providers who help us run our business,such as website hosts and marketing agencies
    • Credit reference agencies, law enforcement and fraud prevent on agencies, in an effort to prevent fraud
    • Third party sites approved by you, such as social media sites (if you choose to link your accounts to us)

    As our website contains links to third party websites, the information you provide will be subject to the third party's privacy policy, as well as this privacy policy. Smythson assumes no responsibility for the privacy practices or the content of these websites.

  4. 4.How long will my personal information be kept for?

    We will not retain your data for longer than necessary tor the purposes set out in this policy. Please note that different retention periods apply tor different types of data. Once data reaches its disposal date it will be deleted from our systems, physically destroyed or put beyond use it not permanently deleted.

  5. 5.What rights do I have relating to my personal information?

    You have the following rights relating to your personal information:

    • Be informed about how your personal information is being used
    • Access the personal information we hold about you
    • Request a change to the personal information we hold about you
    • Request that we delete your data.stop collecting or processing it
    • Unsubscribe from marketing communications
    • Make a complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office

  6. 6.How can I unsubscribe and/or request a change to my personal information?

    You may request to unsubscribe from our communications or have your details changed or deleted by contacting our customer service team directly via enquiries@smythson.com or 0808 164 1801.

    You may also unsubscribe by clicking the "unsubscribe" link in any communication that we send to you by email. Please also note that while your request is being processed, for a brief period you may continue to receive communications which are already on their way to you.

    7.Credit card transactions

    Your full card details are not recorded or stored in our database.We collect only the final four numbers of your credit or debit card along with the expiry date and cardholder name to enable you to select that card when making future purchases.They are encrypted and are transferred securely to one or more third party payment service providers for immediate authorization. Once we have received authorization from the payment service provider we will confirm your order.

  7. 8.Phone calls

    We may record calls that you receive from us or make to us. We do this to establish facts and evidence tor business transactions and to assess the quality of our interactions with customers.

    We will keep the recording tor five years. A request can be made for a copy of the recording under data protection legislation and is known as a "subject access request". You can make this request by contacting our customer service team directly via enquiries@smythson.com or 0808 164 1801.

  8. 9.Job applications

    By providing us with personal data contained in your job application form and/or resume you are giving Smythson the consent to processing your details for work-finding purposes.

    The Conduct Regulations state that candidates’ application forms and CVs must be kept for at least one year from the date of their creation and at least one year after the date on which you last provided services to the company.

    The Asylum & Immigration Act states that copies of any documents (e.g. Passports & Right to Work Visas) must be kept for at least three years after an employee ceases employment.

  9. 10.CCTV at our stores

    By entering our stores, you are giving Smythson your consent to the reasonable operation of CCTV for the purposes of crime prevention and detection, and other appropriate uses.

  10. 11.International transfers

    To deliver products and services to you, it is sometimes necessary for us to share your data outside of the European Economic Area. This will typically occur when service providers are located outside the EEA or if you are based outside the EEA. These transfers are subject to special rules under data protection laws.

    If this happens, we will ensure that the transfer will be compliant with data protection law and all personal data will be secure. Our standard practice is to use ‘standard data protection clauses’ which have been approved by the European Commission for such transfers.

B. Cookies & Pixels

To improve your experience on smythson.com, we use cookies, tracking pixels and web beacons. A cookie is a piece of data that our website automatically transfers to the hard drive of your computer or mobile device when you access the website and is used to:

    • Access stored information when you log into your account with us
    • Carry information from page to page of our website
    • Store site preferences and the items in your shopping basket
    • Identify whether you have visited our website previously
    • Monitor the number of times you’ve visited smythson.com, where you browse and what you’ve purchased
    • Offer you tailored content

    When accessing any page on smythson.com for the first time, a banner informing our use of cookies is displayed. By accepting the cookie policy you are agreeing to our use of cookies.

    It is possible to adjust your cookie settings and remove cookies at any time through your browser settings. You can find links below to the instructions of the following browsers:

    Please note that if you do disable cookies, you may not be able to access all the services on smythson.com.

    Tracking pixels and web beacons work in a similar way to cookies and allow us to gather information about your behaviour on our site.

    The following data may be collected each time you visit smythson.com regardless of whether you are logged in to your account:

    We make an effort to keep this list up to delay, but there may be some delay in editing detail when we move software suppliers from time to time. We have endeavoured to maintain a comprehensive list, but some omissions may occur for a short period if software suppliers are changed.

    • Computer and connection information
    • Browser information, operating system and platform details
    • The time/s you accessed our site

    We may use an IP address to identify and gather broad demographic information about you, which we will use to help detect fraud, identify problems, web administration and for other marketing purposes. Our email service provider includes tracking pixel in emails. If you don’t want tracking pixels in email please contact customer services at customer.services@smythson.com.

    If you have provided us with an email address, we will be able to associate this email address back to your previous browsing and purchase experiences. If you log in, then in addition, we will be able to associate your log in with your billing addresses, delivery addresses and your payment details.

    Sometimes we may ask for your consent to use your information for particular purposes (e.g. to send you marketing communications). Where we do so, this consent will be our legal basis for our use of the information. You can withdraw your consent at any time and we will then stop processing your information for that purpose. If you wish to withdraw your consent, then please contact us using the details at the end of this notice, for email please use the unsubscribe link.

C. Our 'share' tools

We know you love to share content we have on smythson.com. Please be aware that social networking sites, like Facebook and Twitter, might send cookies. We don't control the setting of these third-party cookies, so we suggest you check the third-party websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them.